Saturday, 17 April 2021

The Netflix Serial MERLIN A Saga of Glorified Authoritarianism, Genocide and Slavishness

The Netflix Serial MERLIN

A Saga of Glorified Authoritarianism, Genocide and Slavishness


Imagine a very popular serial on Netflix named "Frederick alias Jacob". The serial depicts a country named Brandenburg ruled by Hitler (who, in this serial at least, has an arrogant son named Heinrich), and the central recurrent theme of every single episode in this serial is the slaughter and mass extermination of Jews. Every episode has Hitler spewing venom on Jews, and slaughtering every new Jew whose survival is brought to his attention, even sending delegations, led by his obedient son, to execute any surviving Jews who may have earlier escaped into distant remote forests, whenever he happens to get word that some Jews are living peacefully in that area. Many episodes have stray Jews, evil and cunning Jews, out for vengeance and carrying out campaigns to kill Hitler and/or his son, but (happily) they are defeated and killed off and Hitler and his son are saved.

But there is more — much, much more — to this: it is not Hitler or his son who is really responsible for their victory in each episode against the evil Jews. Hitler has a resident family doctor named Helmut, who has a compounder named Frederick, and it is these two (and particularly the latter, after whom in fact the serial is named) who by their courageous deeds and wily strategems  are responsible for the continued sway of Hitler and Heinrich. These two heroes have a mission in life: to see that Hitler continues to remain alive to carry on his Jew-slaughtering orgies, until that day when he dies (in natural circumstances) and is succeeded by his son, who (or so apparently it has been revealed to them by Jehovah) will turn Brandenburg into a prosperous land flowing with milk and honey.

But the best is yet to come: the doctor Helmut and his compounder Frederick are not actually pure German "Aryans" named Helmut and Frederick: they are really and secretly Jews named Solomon and Jacob, who have made it their holy mission in life to perpetrate the rule (and massacres) of Hitler and Heinrich, to protect Hitler and his son from attacks by Jews (by killing those Jews themselves, though in a few rare episodes they do actually help a stray Jewish boy or girl or old man or woman to escape death: it is not clear whether this is meant to show their kind hearts or their momentary Jewish treachery towards their Lords and Masters). The most heart-stopping episodes are those where either Helmut or Frederick are on the verge of being revealed to actually be Jews themselves: of course they manage to escape each time and are then able to continue with their holy mission unhindered.

The most touching episode is where Brandenburg is under attack by a particularly evil and powerful Jew, and Helmut (Solomon) tells Frederick (Jacob) that the only person who can save Brandenburg, Hitler and Heinrich is another Jew named Benjamin who has escaped from Brandenburg in the past (when all his relatives and clansmen were slaughtered by Hitler, but he managed to escape to a foreign land, actually helped by Helmut (Solomon) himself (Jehovah bless his soul). What is more: this Benjamin is none other than Frederick's father himself (whom Frederick has never seen and whom he had thought was long dead). So Frederick (Jacob) sets off on a mission with Heinrich to find the Jew Benjamin and recruit him to the service of Jew-killing Hitler: the caveat being that Frederick (Jacob) must not in any way let Heinrich know that the Jew Benjamin is his father, or else it will become clear that he (Frederick) himself is also a Jew, following which it will be inevitable that Frederick himself will also be killed by Hitler and will not be able to fulfill his Jehovah-delegated mission of perpetrating the Golden Reign of Hitler and Heinrich.

The most touching scene in the episode (it will bring tears gushing to the viewer's eyes) is when Heinrich and Frederick (Jacob) find Benjamin and ask him to come to the aid of Hitler, and he refuses to come to the aid of the man who not only slaughtered his entire clan but pursued him repeatedly to different places to try to slaughter him off as well. Upon this, the indignant Frederick (Jacob), the epitome of Loyalty to his Masters, contemptuously tells him "Then you are no better than him!". Then he adds "I thought you would be like Helmut (Solomon)" (i.e. I thought you would help defend and help Hitler in his Jew-slaughtering mission, as Helmut = Solomon does). Needless to say, Benjamin is so moved on hearing the name of the person (Helmut = Solomon) who saved him (from slaughter by Hitler!!) that he changes his mind and decides to come to Hitler's aid. But (obviously to save loyal Frederick the ignominy of helping Hitler slaughter his own father after that father has done the dirty work for Hitler) Benjamin dies — incidentally, he dies defending Heinrich and Frederick (Jacob) from soldiers of a country inimical to Hitler! Before he dies, however, he imparts to Frederick the knowledge of how to deal with the Jew who is ravaging Brandenburg, and finally it is Frederick himself who drives off the evil Jew and saves Hitlerdom! As the cream on the cake, loyal Frederick (Jacob) manages once more to give the full credit of his own brave deed to Heinrich, the son of Hitler!

Episode after episode in this serial depicts the two Loyalist-Jews-in-German"Aryan"-clothing saving Hitler and his son from the machinations of Jews, regardless of the number of Jews and ordinary Germans that have to be sacrificed in the sacred process.

In fact, in many of the parts, it is difficult to know which of them is most full of anti-Jewish zeal and eagerness to see Hitler's murderous reign win to the end: Hitler, his son Heinrich, or the two Jews-in-"Aryan"-clothing, Helmut (=Solomon) and Frederick (=Jacob).

Can there possibly be a serial of the above type running on Netflix, whose viewership has shot up phenomenally in these dark stay-at-home Covid lockdown days, without raising a storm of protest over the grotesque political ideology being propagated so blatantly? Well, actually no! But then what was all that about?


Well, replace Hitler and Heinrich by Uther Pendragon and Arthur Pendragon, Jews and German "Aryans" by sorcerers and common people (or, in the language of J.K.Rowling, Magicians and Muggles), Brandenburg by Camelot, and Helmut and Frederick by Gaius and Merlin, and you get the exact story-line of the Netflix serial "Merlin": every word of the above descriptions applies perfectly.

Large scale massacres of people (male or female, though everywhere more overwhelmingly female) in the name of their being "sorcerers" is not an imaginary theme. In medieval times, for hundreds of years, literally millions of people (overwhelmingly more often women) were killed in Christian Europe in officially organized and executed mass campaigns for being "sorcerers" and "witches" — even today, sadly, we hear stray reports which manage to make it into the news, of individuals being killed for "witchcraft" not only in remote areas in the west but in remote areas in other parts of the world (including India!). If you accept that there is no such thing as magic, this makes the above history even more horrible and reprehensible. And it makes this serial, which glorifies and ideologizes this mass-slaughter of people, something beyond belief.

How then can there be a serial like "Merlin" (although I admit that it would not be an uninteresting serial to watch — I am watching it myself — even if one does not have the capacity to blindfold and gag one's brain and conscience while doing so: I don't!), glorifying in the most unbelievable manner the historical phenomenon of "witch-hunting" in medieval Europe, being aired all over the world without raising a storm of protests? Where are all the armies of vigilante "liberals", the self-appointed guardians of weird definitions of political correctness, who rise up like a storm of locusts against anyone who they choose to feel has violated the guidelines of political correctness set up by them? The renowned author J.K.Rowling (of Harry Potter fame), for example, became the target of these vicious hordes of crows and vultures recently, when she dared to voice certain opinions which drove these high priests of political correctness into insane frenzies of vicious mass hostility, all under the façade of moral righteousness. Hindus know to their cost the utter fanatic zeal and power of these so-called liberals, who are entrenched in powerful positions everywhere.

In fact, it is not surprising that a serial of this kind, glorifying ruthless authoritarianism coupled with slavish collaborationism, (though actually made in 2008) has suddenly become so popular on Netflix at the precise moment when the Covid-19 Pandemic has made it possible for all the governments of the world to ride rough-shod over all norms of democracy and individual privacy in order to impose all kinds of permanent draconian controls and control systems which will lead the world towards the kind of situation depicted in George Orwell's prophetic novel "Nineteen Eighty-Four" written in 1949. There is already a detailed conspiracy theory doing the rounds, which suggests that in fact the Pandemic has been planned in great detail by powerful vested interests in the last one decade to achieve that very end. I am not one for conspiracy theories, but I find it difficult to be skeptical about this one, since the world has been increasing hurtling towards Orwell's nightmare world of "Nineteen Eighty-Four" since the last few years, both in India and all over the world.



  1. Sir, given that you are not averse to watching Netflix, might I recommend a try at "Vikings" ?

    In my opinion it's a great show. My Nordic friends point out many issues and flaws, but what I take away from it is that if only ancient India, the Rgvedic Bharatas etc could be shown in this comprehensive manner on screen, how amazing would it be!

    On the Orwellian World, I'd like to respectfully offer a counter. There are 2 great dystopias of the literary world. Orwell's 1984 is the first that comes to mind, but then there's Huxley's Brave New World.

    Brave New World is a more insidious dystopia- because it masquerades as a utopia. The past few decades have seen a high ramp up in fear mongering about 1984. The media likes to tell us that if Trump were in office, if Modi were in office, etc. then 1984 is fast approaching.

    In the process, we forget that the Brave New World is already true. We celebrate our own enslavement with drugs- consumerism, social media, gadgets etc.- and all the while we do not even realise how enslaved we are. We think we are free.

    I think we need to keep an equal eye on the Brave New World and how real it already is, in addition to our fear of 1984. We live in a Brave New World because the same trampling of rights, freedom etc. are done across political lines, but we are made to believe that if the Democrats win, if Congress wins, then there is no threat. The same "detention centers" of Trump are now called "overflow management facilities" of Biden. We are made to fear 1984 so that we do not notice the dome of Brave New World setting in around us. They will show us Russia, or China, or N Korea and tell us- “look, that’s the 1984 Trump/Modi/Takeyourpick want to bring here, to our democratic lands.”- and they will hope we do not notice that the alternatives they push on us are champions of the subversive Brave New World.

    1. @Amrit

      Have you heard about the 'Great Reset'? You might like to read up a bit on it, it's very closely related to what you've said.

    2. I will keep that serial (vikings) in mind.

      About Orwell, etc., there is no sense in my saying anything more, since bhakti in both religion and politics is unshakeable. I will only say that I am glad that I am already past 62 years and hopefully wont live to see what happens of India in the not too distant future.

    3. Sir, you will have to accept though that we will only wish for your long and healthy life :)

      @Droseraceae- yes, have heard of it. Things like this being completely absent from mainstream media are what convince me that Brave New World is the greater threat.

    4. There is a brilliant & much entertaining debate organized by Isquared on 1984 vs Brave New World.

      I posit the both already happened and are actually working in tandem today.

  2. Dear Shrikant: this comment is not related to your post above, but a way of reaching out to you, since I don't have your email address.

    Wanted to bring to your attention a potentially path-breaking effort by a musicologist named Shail Vyas. He has studied the musical instruments, their names, concepts etc of the Harappans and compared it with those of Mesopotamia, as attested in the Sumerian texts.

    Kindly watch the YouTube video or read his paper pre-print (both linked below). Shail establishes several important points:

    1) Indian musicians, music and musical instruments had a significant presence in Mesopotamia. The instruments, timber required to make them etc were exported from Meluhha (as the Sumerians called it) to Mesopotamia

    2) He points out a fairly large corpus of Sumerian words for musical instruments & terminologies that have been borrowed from Sanskrit. He compared them with Dravidian too, but found no matches. The Sumerian texts are attested to a date circa 2600 BCE. The implication seems to be that Sanskrit itself is quite possibly as old as 2600 BCE

    3) The fact that the musical instruments were imported from the Sarasvathi Civilization & the words for them were borrowed from Sanskrit, together establish that the Sarasvathi Civilization spoke Sanskrit

    4) Beyond music, he's also compared loanwords from Sanskrit in the following areas: timber/trees, animals, beads/ornaments, diseases etc. Many of these Sumerian words and their meanings were known, but their roots weren't. But with the Sanskrit connection, many pieces of the puzzle fall into place.

    Would love your take on this!

  3. Shrikantmaam, Netflix (as well as Amazon Prime, Voot, etc.) is just a source of left-wing propaganda. I personally avoid it (for that matter, I mostly avoid TV as well), along with its associated forums, all of which are controlled by SJWs. I have found reading 'forbidden' books to be a much more fruitful way of spending time during the lockdown, I got to learn a lot, and they gave me plenty of food for thought. It's certainly better than watching some 'art film' that promotes cultural Marxism and degenerate behaviour, IMO.

    As for JK Rowling, she herself is a leftist, just see her position on Islamic 'refugees', for example. The fact that she got attacked by the SJW crowd just goes on to show that you can never be leftist enough.

    I don't think that the Covid pandemic was deliberately brought about to achieve the Orwellian control you speak of, but the response to it by governments and the medical establishment sure seems to be very fishy. Lockdowns are being enforced, IMO, because they are the politically correct thing to do. Add to it the haphazard and all-too-hurried way in which the vaccines were brought about (how can a vaccine be used, even for 'emergency purposes', when the entire process of conception to mass use takes just seven months?), and I find it difficult to believe that governments have the interest of the public at heart.


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