Wednesday 17 April 2024

Opposition to the CAA - The Venomous Depths of Woke Hindu-Hatred



Opposition to the CAA - The Venomous Depths of Woke Hindu-Hatred

Shrikant G. Talageri


Today I just saw the following article when I entered Google Search: "Watch out, your social media posts might cost you a job" by Geetika Sachdev, one of the articles that automatically appear on the screen as being "Recommended by  Pocket":

The very first paragraph actively discouraged me from going deeper into the article, as I realized it was not a genuine article objecting to anti-democratic and freedom-of-expression-restrictive trends in India (which even I have written about), but an article by a woke writer claiming a democratic right to indulge in vicious and disruptive hate-based anti-Indian and anti-Hindu activities in India and objecting to anyone else (less vicious and visceral in anti-Indian and anti-Hindu hatred) exercising their democratic right to show their disapproval of such vicious anti-nationalism by refusing to financially empower such activists by giving them lucrative jobs:

"For Anant Pujari, a marketing professional with a multinational in Mumbai, getting a job was a struggle, but not because he didn’t fit the desired role. It was because of his extremely vocal posts on social media, which was called out by prospective employers who refused to hire him if he wasn’t willing to change his online habits. For instance, he had shared images of his presence at the protests against the CAA-NRC Act in Shaheen Bagh, Delhi, which did not go down well with recruiters."


Here the Holy Cause, for which the woke activist is being portrayed as a martyr for his principles, is not any issue of injustice to women, oppressed classes in mofussil areas, minors or helpless aged people, bonded laborers, or helpless trapped people (orphans or handicapped people or under-trials or jailed-prisoners, etc. in oppressive circumstances in various institutions) or any similar class of people who can and do face extreme problems in certain parts of the country: the Holy Cause is the injustice allegedly being done to Muslims outside India by the simple act of passing an Act to give asylum and citizenship in India to Hindus (which includes Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains of Indian origin, but also, and wrongly in my opinion, to Christians of Indian origin) who are living in, and facing active violence and persecution in, certain other countries which were once a part of Greater India and were trapped there around the time of Partition of  that Greater India.


These Islamists and Woke people whose hackles rise at the very thought of violently persecuted Hindus in other countries being given a chance to escape that violence and persecution by being allowed to get Indian citizenship, are the very same people who indulge in international wailing and breast-beating and shedding of crocodile tears at the idea of millions of Muslim infiltrators (Bangladeshis and Rohingyas from Burma) − many of them hardcore Islamist ideologues and activists − not being granted asylum and citizenship and even special benefits and treatment (not available to Hindu Indians) in India.


Every Secularist and Woke issue which has anti-Hinduism at its basis is baffling and frightening to the neutral observer in its degree of venomous hatred for Hindus, and one of the most baffling is this issue of opposition to the CAA! How and in what sense is a failure to be open to give blanket asylum and citizenship to Muslims who live outside India and who are not in any way a part of India at all, in any way "injustice towards", let alone "persecution of", Muslims who live inside India and who are already a part of India? It is mind-boggling to think of the degree of pathological mental sickness and the degree of vicious anti-Hindu hatred which can lead people not only to make an "issue" of this but to actually feel righteous and holier-than-thou in advertising to the world their hate-based activism in this Holy Cause.



And the funny part of this is that the CAA which these Hindu-haters claim is "anti-Muslim" is nothing but another sick joke on Hindus by its various open and hidden enemies:


1. It is an issue which is brought up by the BJP only as a potential vote-polarizer and Hindu-vote-magnet at the time of crucial elections where they think they can use it to their advantage, and then (after allowing it to create as much of a din and noise as possible) withdrawn and shelved in ice-cold storage till it can be brought out and dusted for re-use at the time of the next election: it was "passed" by Parliament in December 2019 for the purpose of the Delhi state assembly elections to be held two months later (in February 2020). Unfortunately it failed to achieve its objective in those elections, and it was shelved in cold-storage. Now it has been brought out again (even included in the BJP manifesto) for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. After the elections, after its objective is achieved, it will go back into cold storage.


2. It is an absolutely fraudulent and toothless Act which gives extremely negligible benefits to Hindus persecuted in other countries: now in 2024, it can be used for the "benefit" only of those Hindu asylum-seekers who have already been in India from before 2014 (i.e. already more than ten years)! So those Hindus who want to get the nominal  benefits of the Act have to have been already living here for ten years: surely it would not (or certainly should not) have been a herculean task for such people to get asylum as per the regular procedure (and without all this fanfare and publicity) even in the normal course of things and without this Act?


As I pointed out in an earlier article, this Act was opposed tooth-and-nail from its inception stage itself by the entire gaggle of Secularist and Leftist gangsters, thereby contributing immensely to the BJP's campaign of being a "savior" of persecuted Hindus in other countries: "both" the sides, as I have always pointed out, are hand-in-glove with each other in the matter of polarizing Hindu and Muslim voters. This, in 2019, included the then Congress chief Minister of Punjab (and now one of the countless imported "BJP" stalwarts), Captain Amarinder Singh. However, the murderous attacks on Sikhs in Afghanistan just one year later led to this same man (then still in the Congress) demanding that these persecuted Sikhs should be granted asylum and citizenship in India! However, this fraudulent and toothless Act is totally impotent in doing anything for Hindus (which includes Sikhs) being persecuted or killed anywhere in the world − which includes Afghanistan, Pakistan or Bangladesh − today or in 2020 or at any point of time after 2014!!:



What should have been passed was an Act giving any Hindu (including any Sikh and Jain), or any Buddhist (of Indian origin only? This point requires discussion and debate!) who is being persecuted in any country anywhere in the world the right to apply for asylum and citizenship in India by a special and speedy process. Israel is a model in this respect: Israeli Law provides that any Jew from anywhere in the world can migrate to Israel and claim citizenship.


Israel is, as I wrote, a model in this respect, but not only in teaching us to do what they did but also in teaching us not to make one mistake that they made (though perhaps, from a certain point of view, most Israelis may still feel it was not a mistake): they allowed any Jew anywhere in the world the right to migrate to Israel and claim citizenship, without any riders. This opened the floodgates for  countless Woke (and consequently anti-Jewish) Jews from other parts of the world to emigrate to Israel and then continue their disruptive anti-Jewish and pro-enemy activities from inside Israel.


Which is why I wrote above "the right to apply for asylum and citizenship in India by a special and speedy process": not the right to automatically get it. Obviously India could do without countless pro-Khalistani, pro-Pakistani, anti-Hindu and anti-Indian "Hindus" from other parts of the world pouring into India and doing their work as Trojan Horses inside the country. So any such Act should have plenty of safeguards and checking procedures.


But all this is just talk. My talk: the talk of a staunch but realist Hindu who knows exactly what the situation is in India. Who will bring in such an Act? Secularist and Leftist politicians? Or backstabbing "Hindu-for-electoral-votes" mercenary politicians, with their crores-strong armies of bhakts and trolls who only want to see their political idols occupying thrones and raking in the money?


All I can say is that the article from Livemint which prompted this article in response from me, showed me a very, very faint "silver lining" in the dark clouds permanently hovering over India and becoming darker by the day: India still actually has patriotic Indians like the "prospective employers who refused to hire" woke anti-nationals like the hero of Geetika Sachdev's article "if he wasn’t willing to change his online habits".


But, again, this is just illusory comfort. I know this, and the reader of this article knows this. For every such "prospective employer" (and he may even well be a bhakt showing his bhakti for the party rather than the nation) there are countless others who will shower wealth on such woke anti-nationals. The story about this particular woke anti-national who was "refused" employment may after all just be a fictional part of the propaganda aspect of the article: after all, the same paragraph tells us that after all these "refusals", he did land up with a lucrative job as a "a marketing professional with a multinational in Mumbai".


The long and short of it is: Hindus in India today have nothing to be comfortable about. There are no real "silver linings" to the dark clouds.



  1. Shrikantmaam, the funny thing here is that 'cancel culture', which is dominated by the Left (specifically speaking, the wokesters among the Left) in the West, was coolly accepted, digested and trained by the Hindutva side, with extreme viciousness, against the Left, in India. I too have heard of multiple such cases of 'too-clever-by-half' Leftists (not all of them woke) being fired from cushy jobs or denied employment because of their social media activity, which makes their political views explicitly clear. I don't know if you are on LinkedIn, but I have seen a lot of highly placed people coolly rehashing pro-BJP talking points; mind you, these are people who call the shots in many big companies.

    As for these wokesters, well, I often pray for a Hitler to rise to power in India, and put the whole lot of these characters in gas chambers. I don't mind even if a Gestapo is instituted in India; in fact, I know quite a few people whose personal details I would be only too happy to provide to said Gestapo for taking the necessary action.

  2. I have an interesting historical linguistics related Konkani-Marathi related query, I have left it as a comment on your "Is or Was Konkani a Dialect of Marathi?" post.
