Tuesday 4 June 2024

Who Pulled Down the BJP's Numbers: The Hindu Anti-BJP activists or the Hindu Pro-BJP Activists?


Who Pulled Down the BJP's Numbers:

The Hindu Anti-BJP activists or the Hindu Pro-BJP Activists?

Shrikant G. Talageri


The BJP is still coming to power, but with vastly reduced numbers. Their "breakthrough" in new states like Tamilnadu are more than overthrown by their losses in key BJP states like Uttar Pradesh.

Immediately, BJP supporters will be full of indignation and outrage against those Hindus who wrote strongly against the BJP (although the downfall of the BJP is not because of anyone's articles or tweets but because of their own negative karma), and start wailing about how so many staunch Hindus "betrayed" or "let down" the BJP, and in fact "sabotaged Hindu Unity".

This reminds me of a story we had in our moral science textbook in school. A boy robs something from another boy in his class and goes home and shows it to his mother. She smiles indulgently and pats him proudly on the back. A few days later, he robs something from a shop and shows it to his mother, who is again full of indulgence. This goes on for years. Many years later, when the boy is now a man, he is being led to the gallows for some heinous crime. His tearful mother comes to see him as he is being led to the gallows. The man asks for permission to say something to his mother, and when she leans towards him he bites off her ear. As she is screaming, he tells her: "You are responsible for this. Instead of correcting me and telling me that I was doing wrong, you encouraged and indulged me. If you had stopped me the very first time I did something wrong, instead of egging me on, things would never have come to this pass". If there had been a less-indulgent uncle in the background, doing what the mother should have been doing or telling her the consequences of her behavior, then also "things would never have come to this pass". In the story, there was no less-indulgent uncle to try to bring the boy back in line; but in our real-life tragedy in India, there were countless committed Hindus who had their eyes wide open and spent all their time warning the bhakts about what they were doing. But they were only vilified and condemned for their pains.

The BJP has been betraying its Hindu voters and stabbing them in the back  from Day One that it came to power. Instead of teaching the BJP that treachery does not pay, the pro-BJP bhakts spent all their time defending, supporting, whitewashing or glorifying the anti-Hindu acts of the BJP. They hastened to assure the treacherous party that its treacheries made no difference in their bhakti, and would make no difference in the BJP's electoral fortunes unless for the better: "we are in your pockets and will never abandon you whatever you do, so concentrate on only two things: on getting Muslim votes and on making mountains of money".


Now, the BJP is coming to power with far less seats than it did in the last two elections: in 2014 it got around 282 seats by itself, and in 2019, it got around 303. This time, far from the tomtommed "400 paar":

1. They have not even been able to reach the figure of 250 by themselves (let alone the half-way mark of 273).

2. And, within this less-than-250, are scores of people with a Secularist and anti-Hindu past who have been brought in from the Congress and the other Secular parties and given party tickets with complete disregard and disrespect for loyal BJP cadres and leaders who have slaved for the party for decades.

3. To form a government, they will be dependent on other parties with whom they have been on hostile terms till very recently (not only the TDP, but also the breakaway groups from the erstwhile Shiv Sena and NCP in Maharashtra).


Now, the bhaktimay refrain will be: "they cannot do anything for Hindus in these circumstances. All Hindus should have united to give them 400+ seats. The BJP has been betrayed by Hindus"!! People asking for votes in the name of Hindutva had ten years to do something for Hindus: at the very, very least, they could have tried to give Hindus equality in every respect with non-Hindus (e.g. articles 25-30) - something which a Muslim like Syed Shahabuddin of the Babri Masjid Action Committee had tried to do! But they never even made any pretence of wanting to do so. The ten years have passed in treacheries and in justifications of these treacheries, and such a situation will never arise again where the BJP or any other party will be able to do anything concrete for Hindus.  

The BJP-in-power, and, even more than them, those bhakts whose only pleasure lay in seeing their leaders soaking in power and wealth, have deliberately and calculatedly taken the Justice-for-Hindus movement back by a hundred years.



  1. If BJP "lost" because Hindus felt betrayed, then it's fine but if BJP lost bcz Hindus couldn't look beyond caste, then that'd be a massive setback. For ex, If SP won simply because all Yadavs voted them, then it'll only provoke BJP to do more caste politics than introspect themselves! Rahul Gandhi already openly equates UC's with American whites! It's only going to get worse if the major reason why BJP didn't win today was because of caste cards of regional parties

    1. Khatiks in my areas didn't vote for a khatik candidate from BJP, Mauryas didn't vote for Keshav Prasad Maurya from BJP.
      Look beyond the caste politics and see the ground realities.
      Hindus have been telling all their problems, but BJP ain't listening.
      treachery breeds resentment, which is not logical, it's the reason why godse killed gandhi because we know hinduphobes hate hindu, but when our own people betray us anger gets directed toward them.

  2. "Tamil is no longer the oldest language in the world, Odia is now the world's oldest language" - Modi Ji

  3. Sir, please check out charles allen's aryan book. He is a new stooge in market. His book got released in 2023.
