Sunday, 23 October 2022

One More "Hindutvavadi" Sixer for Hinduism


One More "Hindutvavadi" Sixer for Hinduism

Shrikant G. Talageri


Recently, after the ED and other government agencies helped the BJP Parivar to force a split in the Shiv Sena (although I do not deny that the arrogance and dynastic obsession of Uddhav Thackeray and his neglect of other Shiv Sena leaders as well as Hindu issues, and attempts to prove his Secularism, helped the BJP Parivar in this heroic endeavor), the streets and BEST buses and bus-stops of Mumbai were awash with huge posters claiming: "The BJP government is back in power. now Hindus can freely celebrate their festivals without obstacles".

Well, the "joy" that was supposed to be driving the Hindus of Maharashtra mad with ecstasy was short-lived. The BJP leaders find it impossible to hold the reins on their Hindu-hating activities:


[Actual measures have been taken to prevent the sale and use of firecrackers, and punishments will be meted out to those failing to obey the commands].

The comments to the above tweet are revealing. As one of the comments on the above tweet points out:


But nothing that any BJP Parivar leader (and that definitely includes actual RSS pracharaks) does should surprise or confuse anyone. The Parivar is the most efficient destroyer of Hinduism, working like a cancer from inside, and temporarily turns into a supporter of Hindu causes only when elections are around the corner. They know they can backtrack on anything and everything because they have large armies of "saffron" internet warriors who can defend, whitewash, and even glorify as a "Hindutva", or "pro-Hindu", act the most blatant backstabbing activities of this Parivar.

As I have often said on private forums, if tomorrow the BJP were to open up concentration camps and gas chambers for Hindu sages, activists and thinkers, the wave of internet defenses by these "saffron" warriors, telling us how all this is for the good of Hinduism, will provide material for a classic text book or a Magnum Opus on the Science of Apologism.

Let me clarify at this point that personally I am not a fan of extremely noisy and smoke-producing firecrackers, and would have welcomed all efforts to curb noise and pollution in normal situations. But the situation is not normal. I am not a fan of slaughtering animals on a massive scale on Bakr-Id or having drunken public "celebration" orgies on New Years' eve either, but I have yet to see any socially conscious person even suggesting a ban on these two things. But Hinduism becomes a social evil and an environmental threat even if a Hindu sneezes or hiccoughs. And this selective targeting of Hindu activities by crooked politicians and their supporters is beyond tolerance, especially when crooked pseudo-Hindutvite  parties do it.

Incidentally, I wonder if the extremely honorable CM and deputy CM of Maharashtra will also take an oath not to "burst firecrackers" when they win elections, or even when one of these Honorables makes his grand entry on the stage at a public rally!







  1. Firecrackers should be banned at all times, not just on Diwali. And yes, I totally agree with your other two suggested bans - mass slaughter of animals on Moslem festivals (which is covered up by giving the excuse that the said animals are eventually consumed) and the kind of debauchery that goes on in the name of 'celebration' on New Year's eve (which is justified using arguments like 'people want to have fun!').

    Personally, I stopped bursting crackers at the age of 14, and I would definitely support an all-out war on the bursting of crackers. Even if draconian punishments have to be dished out to implement this, government and courts should definitely do it. That said, you are quite right in saying that netas burst crackers following election results, but no one minds it then; and that this is just one more example of how Hinduism is selectively targeted, with other religions getting a free pass.

    It is time to strictly deal with the kind of degeneracy that is permitted in the name of 'celebrations' on 31st December. Have you heard of ACP Dhoble of the Mumbai Police? Many years back, he took a tough line on bars and pubs; sadly, he was successfully demonised by the media and 'eminent citizens'. If anything, what goes on in these places has only gotten worse with time. It's high time the government gave a free hand to officers like him, and uses lethal violence, if necessary.

    1. You are right. I am also totally against noise and air-pollution and would really welcome genuine efforts to curb them, however stringent. It is the double standards and the hypocrisy and false stands taken by the politicians, and the selective targeting of Hindus in every matter which muddies the waters and makes it impossible to have rational and objective discussion on matters of public interest.

  2. Shrikant sir, I am huge fan of your works. I must have listened to you videos AIT and OIT on India Inspires al least 50 times. in But so far I have seen you only on Sangam Talks, India Inspires, and Charvak Podcasts. Other Indic channels like Jaipur Dialogues, Pndy Lit Fest, Citti Media, Vaad etc will love to have you also. Request you to accept those invitations so that your excellent study reaches much wider public.


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