Saturday, 25 February 2023

RSS now wants to become PSS: "Pakistan Sewa Sangh"


RSS now wants to become PSS: "Pakistan Sewa Sangh"

Shrikant G. Talageri


I have already written many articles exposing the fact that the BJP "Parivar", of which the RSS is a part, is the most dangerous enemy of India and Hinduism. Here is an example of the RSS trying to show its love for Pakistan:

Apparently Krishna Gopal, a "joint secretary" of the RSS, has said that even the dogs in Pakistan should not go hungry, and that India should send 25-50 lakh tonnes of wheat to Pakistan as help to the Pakistanis, who apparently have to pay as high a sum as 250 rupees for a kilo of wheat due to acute shortage of wheat and the deteriorating economic situation in that country.

This is just one of a very long list of statements. made by almost every top-rung RSS leader in the last few years, which shows what the Parivar has come to. It is a matter of very great shame that the doormat-minded and deracinated bed-bugs who constitute the top rungs of the so-called saffron Parivar today have lost all sense of shame and proportion, and that huge masses of Hindus, especially when heading towards polling-booths, continue to delude themselves that these are their true Hindu leaders.

There are of course sharply critical comments on social media. For example:

As the number of critical comments on social media keep rising, the RSS decided to do a bit of pretend crisis-management by claiming that the media had twisted the RSS leader's statement by converting "can send wheat to Pakistan if asked" to "should send wheat to Pakistan" to malign the RSS:

This lame defense makes no sense. Is there so much surplus of wheat in India, and so little or no requirement for this wheat among India's poorer sections, that it should (or "can") be sent to Pakistan simply on India being "asked" for it by Pakistan? Pakistan has been "asking" for Kashmir since decades: should India give them Kashmir on the principle of sarve bhavantu sukhinah? And why has the RSS been condemning Gandhi for that same period of time for compelling the Nehru government to give 55 crore rupees to Pakistan after Partition, where Pakistan was not just "asking" for that sum but even claiming a legal right to it?

No-one should imagine that the RSS or its spokespersons or supporters (or members of its sister organizations, or their spokespersons or supporters) feel even the slightest blush of shame when they say and do anti-Hindu things (which is why I used the phrase pretend crisis-management above: the RSS leaders never accept that their actions and words can precipitate crises): take a look at later videos where this same RSS leader "explains" his above statement, and one sees the same smug, complacent, "we-are-so-clever", and even "we-are-so-clever-at-making-fools-of-everyone", sort of attitude that we see everywhere on the faces of all spokespersons of this Parivar. The same attitude, probably, as reflected on the faces of the ruling Pigs in the last scene of George Orwell's "Animal Farm", as they enjoy a booze-party with the "enemy" humans, with the completely cowed-down and helplessly despairing lesser animals witnessing the scene through a window.

Those who would seek to defend this RSS statement as only an expression of humanitarianism should ask their conscience (if they have any) whether a similar statement by  Rahul Gandhi, Asaduddin Owaisi or Mamata Banerjee would have been similarly hailed (or excused) by them as "humanitarian".

Is it possible that these RSS leaders believe that the Pakistani public will be so overwhelmed by such statements that they will start a mass uprising in Pakistan with the demand for merging Pakistan into a United India, carry that uprising to a successful ending, and then adoringly vote the BJP to power in a United India? While it is true that the stupidity inherent in such an idea is not below the general RSS intellectual level, that would be taking things too far. The simple(-minded) motive is only to project a Muslim-friendly image to get more votes for the BJP.

To end with a bit of comic relief, here is a dialogue in the comments section of a youtube news video:


True indeed. If the RSS-BJP wants to really please Muslims (in India or Pakistan), they should just stop "persecuting minorities in India" and get official Islamic halaal certification for their Islam-friendly image.

Appendix added 27/2/2023:

To show how deeply the rot has set in among "Hindu" forces, note the following twitter exchange, involving no less than Sandhya Jain, a fiery Hindutvavadi writer who never has any qualms in criticizing other Hindu writers (rightly or wrongly) on different issues, but seems to acquire a Gandhian perspective when an issue pertains to non-Hindus or specifically Pakistan:



Is there any sense in any of this? No-one has been suggesting that India should bomb Pakistan's grain-storage facilities to worsen their crisis, or should prevent the Pakistani people from receiving grains from elsewhere in any other way. So where does the question of "monotheism" or "our Civilizational Character" enter into the picture anywhere? Does being polytheist/pantheist/non-monotheist, or being true to our Civilizational Character, require us to want to steal the grains out of the hands of our own hungry masses and send them specifically to people who hate us and who, as per the RSS leader's own words, have not only not asked for it but perhaps would even refuse it?

And yet, Sandhya Jain may not be fully wrong. In drawing such moral lessons, she is indeed embodying (like Gandhi did) certain self-destructive and suicidal characteristics of our "Civilizational Character": Hinduism being the only religion in the world which actively preaches that pandering to the enemies at one's own cost is some kind of high virtue. [See my article "Karṇa and Yudhiṣṭhira in the Mahābhārata", and particularly Section II of the article "The 'Virtues' Propagated in the Hindu Epics and Puranas"]:

Let me say it again very clearly: I have nothing against Pakistanis as a people or even against Pakistan. When the enemies of India and Hinduism are functioning on all fronts within India itself, I really see no sense in blaming others, even Pakistanis, for our troubles. But charity begins at home, and I have no patience at all with the kind of self-destructive mentality, which has characterized Hindus in general and even large sections of "Hindutvavadi" people throughout our history, which believes in appeasing or strengthening the enemies of Hinduism and India in the name of saintliness or even in the name of Hinduism.


As for the particular statement of the RSS leader which made me write this article, it (even if it is just one more straw on the camel's back) is particularly obnoxious only because it is one of the latest (I will not say "the latest", because many more are sure to follow in quick succession) of un-Hindu or anti-Hindu acts and words of the Parivar whose consequences can only be bad for the future of India and Hinduism.




  1. Shrikantmaam, I think these RSS idiots are doing it to placate the Left, which becomes ever more anti-Hindu with each passing day. What these Sanghis don't understand is that no amount of appeasement is enough; the Left will always regard it as 'a good beginning, but a lot more needs to be done to make amends with Muslims', as evidenced by countless op-eds in the Indian Express, and other outlets. I completely agree with your point too - this has a clear electoral agenda behind it; but I suppose that, given the cowardice of the RSS, appeasement of the Left cannot be ruled out as one of the causes behind such behaviour. This reminds me of what Dr. Koenraad Elst had said long ago about how the Sangh Parivar tries to outdo the Congress in secularist politics in order to appease their critics (who obviously are never satisfied). I remember Dr. Elst's book on Gandhi's murder, where he remarked that the RSS is the only truly Gandhian party. His words rang true then, and they do even now, perhaps even more.

  2. What's wrong in giving Wheat to Pakistanis? You making a big thing out of it. If Pakistanis are "cruel" and "cunning" should Indians follow their path and be the same. Karma yoga teaches us to follow our duties without any fruits. If Pakistan is in a crisis situation we should help them out as fellow human beings for the greater good of huminity. We don't wish to see another human suffer especially if we can do something about it. If we can send 25-50 lakh Wheat to Pakistan to help them out, then we should without expecting something in return. India's enemies are not the common people but the politicians. We shouldn't paint everyone with same brush.

    1. Thank you for spelling out exactly what sending wheat to Pakistan means. It means we should not follow the path of Pakistanis (I did not use the words "cruel" and "cunning" for them, you did) but do good in return for evil, and not expect anything in return except more evil. I think Indians are very familiar with this Gandhian principle, and rather tired of following it or should have become tired by now,

      In any case, it is time for us to think of Indians suffering and think of doing "something about it" instead of leaving them to their fate and going out of the way to help those who hate Indians, and that too, as the RSS leader also points out, when they have not asked for it. As the tweet says, people should dig into their own pockets to do charity, and not ask for Indian taxpayers' money to be used to show their own generosity: incidentally have you also sent money from your own pockets to Pakistan to help the wheat-deprived humanity there? The Hindus in Pakistan who are regularly persecuted are also part of "humanity", and it is not likely that any grains sent to Pakistan would reach them, but then that would not have mattered to Gandhi, so why should it matter to anyone else, right?

      I bear no ill-will towards Pakistanis, but only to Hindus who pretend to have goodwill towards them for political and electoral gains.


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