Saturday, 4 February 2023

The Only Kind of Criticisms That I Face From the Educated Illiterates


The Only Kind of Criticisms That I Face From the Educated Illiterates

 Shrikant G. Talageri


Yesterday, Koenraad Elst was in my house in Mumbai the whole day (before retiring to his hotel), and I saw him off today morning as he left to catch his flight for Hyderabad. He apparently put up a tweet later today showing a photo clicked by a visitor who had come to meet him in my house:


I was sent the above tweet by a well-wisher, along with another tweet, immediately tweeted, by one of the countless bird-brains who inhabit the twitter jungle, in response to Koenraad's tweet:



One of the, as I said, countless tweets of the countless bird-brains who infest twitter. Certainly not deserving a particular response from my side. But it set me to thinking, in the context of what Koenraad tweeted and what this bird-brain tweeted, about the unchangingly fixed pattern of utterly vacuous thinking that the educated illiterates — and most particularly the brown-skinned  bird-brains out to score brownie points with their western academic idols — indulge in when it comes to any kind of discussion on the AIT-OIT question. It may be noticed in this particular case that the particular bird-brain in question (I think I have had occasion to refer to this particular specimen earlier also) follows a pattern, that I have described in a previous article, of adopting a Sanskrit or Vedic sounding name: bharadvāja/Vritrahan!

In political parlance, especially in the favorite language of the older leftists, people of this kind were described as "running dogs" of some particular ideology or vested interests. A more polite phrase used by the Hindu side is "brown sahibs/sepoys" (an appellation which I believe some of the persons concerned even accept with pride).


But it is not simply in order to indulge in what (left with nothing else to say) some of my critics accuse me of, i.e. "ad hominem", that I am writing this article. I want the reader to understand the exact intellectual level of the discourse indulged in by people who criticize the OIT, and in fact my version of the OIT in particular and the data and evidence presented by me: the few critics who pick out particular points to criticize are always answered by me in full in my articles with data and facts (note the criticism on particular words like kavi cāyamāna, vadhryaśva, bṛbu, ibha, pṛthu-parśu, etc.), or the particular western academics who have given more detailed critiques of my work and have been answered point-by-point by me in my articles particularly addressed to the criticism of each individual one of them (Witzel, Fournet, Hock, etc. etc.). In every case, the critics have been completely routed: some of them, and their fans, may not agree, but the reader can check for himself.

However, an overwhelming majority of the critics indulge in criticism in the air. Note in this particular case: "not produced anything substantial to pass the gates of academic standards ever" and "zero credible knowledge in comparative IE linguistics".  My request to such gutless critics is: "if you have guts in your b…s, give specific points and don’t just indulge in this kind of waving imaginary swords in the air. You have an absolute right to be a textbook-worm or a running dog, but then please bark out some particular point which can be debated instead of just hiding behind the śikhaṇḍi of generalisms and personal name-calling".

Even those who grudgingly accept that I have made many valid points end up in such generalisms, by saying they "do not fully agree with" or "do not fully accept" or "are not fully convinced" by my case. They don’t seem to realize that the AIT-OIT discussion pertains to facts and data, and subjective "interpretations" of those facts and that data are only secondary to the actual facts and data themselves. Talking in the air with phrases like "I think", "I feel", "I believe", etc. (or the negative forms of these phrases) is perfectly valid if you are discussing things like the truth-value of particular concepts in religion or philosophy or the state of the afterlife. When discussing the AIT-OIT question, what counts is point-to-point explanations and refutations of particular data, not personal opinions, status-citing and name-dropping. But this is absolutely all that the AIT side can produce, and in fact that it has in its armory.

I used the example of this fool in this article, and inadvertently gave him free publicity that he does not deserve, only to point out that the days when crooked people could stonewall discussions, or pull them off at a tangent from serious scrutiny, with the help of such tactics, are over. It may take some time for such half-witted people to comprehend this, but it is time for the neutral and objective reader to learn to distinguish between data and bluster. And time also for people who discuss these issues seriously to stop indulging these vermin.


  1. Sir his real name is Nirjhar, wrote on your blogs regularly. Follower of Giacomo Benedetti. But After you debunked nonsense theory of Kavi Chayamana as seer or poet by Giacomo Benedetti. He daily abuses you on twitter.

    1. If his name is Nirjhar Mukhopadhyaya, then I am beginning to get a glimmer of understanding about his personal anger against me, and I must thank you for informing me. It gives me a chance to clarify a very personal incident.

      A few years ago, he was known to me on my email and we corresponded quite often. Then, after a long gap, he wrote a mail to me asking for help about something personal. Just at that time, many mail accounts were being hacked (I think one of Koenraad Elst's accounts was also hacked just then, though I don't know by what means). At the same time I was told by another person who had also received a similar mail that this mail was not from Nirjhar, but seemed to be a decoy mail and if I replied to it or opened further mails from the same name, my mail account, and through it my entire computer data, also would be hacked. I am not very technically up-to-date, and was terrified at this and neither replied to the mail, nor opened further mails from that source. I did not have any other source of contact with this Nirjhar, and so was unable to contact him in any other way to confirm whether or not the mail was from him. After a month or two I stopped receiving mails from him.
      Much later (I don't know for what reason), I began to suspect the mail may have been genuine. But it was too late to amend matters.

      If this is the same Nirjhar, I can understand his anger against me, and I take this opportunity to sincerely apologize (at this late date) for what must have seemed to him at the time a gross rudeness on my part. His personal anger against me, from his personal point of view, is perfectly justified.

      I am sorry I had to write this article directed at him. But the rest of the article stands. My critics always criticize me for generalities, and it is time people realized that the AIT-OIT debate consists of data and not personalities.

    2. Yes sir his real name is Nirjhar Mukhopadhyay. Same nirjhar you knew. Thanks for telling whole story. But this man ragularly abuses you on twitter. And dates Rigveda 2000bce to 600bce.

    3. If he says Rigveda is dated 2000 BCE to 600 BCE (the time of the Buddha?), there is definitely something very wrong about his thinking.

      But as for his abuses against me, I can understand his personal anger behind it, since he must have resented my stonewalling of his mail, which was not done out of bad intentions but out of my technical ignorance and stupidity at the time, aided by the advice of the person who told me about it being a fake mail (and who is also not to be blamed for it, because he must have had some wrong reason for thinking so, but he specially phoned me to tell me so that my computer would not be hacked). I know the whole story seems weird, but that is how it was.

      So while I cannot excuse his wrong logic in thinking, I will have to excuse his carrying personal anger into the field of academic debate as well as his personal abuses, only in his case, because I cannot go back into the past and correct my past mistake although I wish I could.

    4. yes sir I understand your problem but he also need to understand your stand before abusing you on twitter regularly and blindly following Giacomo Benedetti. something is very wrong in our camp. people didn't study your work before abusing you.

  2. Namaste Shrikant Sir Kanishk here.
    Nirjhar is extremely uncouth and pugnacious, he abuses anyone who questions his preposterous claims.

  3. Nirjhar says "not produced anything substantial to pass the gates of academic standards ever".
    He is saying this as if Giacomo Benedetti whose paper he often shares on Facebook and Twitter has passed all the gates of academic standards decades ago and is being even taught in Universities.
    Benedetti is the one confuses Kartavirya Arjuna and other Purnaic kings with IVC, claims that Dāśrājña happened in 1900 BCE.

    He literally thinks ṚgVeda which i heavily mentioning Sarasvati-Drishdavati river system is post 1900 BCE and thr Brāhmaṇas which mention drying of Saraswati is supposedly written much after 1900 BCE when the river was of no relevance.

    1. You are right. People have sent me specimens of Nirjhar's tweets, not only about me, which show him to be rather pathetic and pitiable. Also, as Koenraad Elst apparently pointed out, "underinformed but overopinionated", and, as you say, "uncouth and pugnacious". Sad.

    2. Sir he didn't Stop here ! He's comparing your work to PN Oak level -

    3. Nirjhar has recently made a meme on you, this again shows his low standard.

    4. His memes only represents his lack of academic prowess and maturity

    5. This article started out with the sole purpose of showing how people criticizing the OIT (and particularly my own OIT case) have nothing specific to say on matters of data and facts: it is only general ad hominem, name-dropping, status-touting, name-calling, textbook-quoting, etc. This "Vritrahan"'s tweet was quoted only because he senselessly chose to vent his bile on a tweet by Koenraad Elst.

      After finding out that "Vritrahan" was Nirjhar Mukhopadhyay, it turned into a kind of mea culpa moment for me concerning an incident from the past, reminding me also in some way of Agatha Christie's book "The Mirror Cracked From Side to Side" about how the past can embitter people and have repercussions on the present.

      By his unrelenting viciousness, Nirjhar has converted it into a petty personal battle (which of course, he will have act out by himself after this, because I have said my last word on the subject and will leave it at that).

      Sad, but illustrative of the ironies of life.


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