Monday, 17 March 2025

Hilarious Comic Strip by Sameer’s Fans


Hilarious Comic Strip by Sameer’s Fans

Shrikant G. Talageri


Two of my last articles were about this super-etymologist named “Sameer” on Twitter, who regularly issues pronouncements from his Twitter pulpit about my ignorance in the field of etymology.

In replies to comments to one of these articles, written in response to his most recent tweets about the “suspicious” nature of my etymologies, I wrote: “everything happens to the good. Because of this more people are becoming aware of Sameer's false claims about "mixed Indian-African words", and his utter inability to corroborate his illogical claims. And at the same time, as he and his fans continue to escalate this with further twitter hooliganism, the more they are exposing themselves as indeed representing the "jeering crowd of cowardly hecklers who make up the internet gang of liars" that I called them. I don't have to say a single word more in this respect, they are proving me right with every new tweet.

And so it is: his fans continue to make a wide variety of jeering comments, exposing their level, and leaving me no need to say a single word more in this respect.

But, one comment, with an accompanying picture, was so hilarious that I want to share it:

I cant believe how much Talageri is still seething about


who is actually a sweetheart IRL lol. Just pure seethe.

The only thing is, while he identified two of the characters in the picture (the others of course being Sameer’s fans) he forgot to give the “speech bubbles” or “speech balloons” to tell us what they are saying. I thought I would fill in the speech bubbles below:

Sameer (balloon 1): “I assure you Talageri only gives suspicious etymologies. I give full fledged authentic ones

Sameer (balloon 2): “The four IE words for the elephant are derived from mixtures of certain pre-AIT Indian words and certain African words. I will not reveal these words, and the Indian-African languages they came from, and the routes they took before getting mixed, and the exact etymological phonetic rules which produced the four IE words, and the reason why these words only infiltrated into these four IE languages but not in other non-IE languages around them now. I will reveal all this in a new path-breaking PhD thesis on the subject”.

Fan 1: “Oh Sameer-kins, how clever you are!

Fan 2: “Sameer, we love you!

Fan 3: “Sameer, you will get the Nobel Prize for this!

Fan 4: “Oooooh! You are the bestest, Sammy!

Fan 5: “Attaboy! Get 'em, cowboy!

Fan 6: (speechless. Just sighs ecstatically).

Talageri (i.e. the female one in the comic): (equally speechless. Can only grind her teeth, glare grouchily and ferociously at Sameer, and seethe with helpless fury and jealousy).

Enjoy yourselves, fans! I enjoyed it. It's easier to create comic strips and to jeer and make personal hate-comments and to evade issues, than to clarify lies, isn't it?   

p.s. The comic strip was not created by

but by

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