Sunday, 16 March 2025

A Tale of Two Films: From Kashmir to Kerala


A Tale of Two Films: From Kashmir to Kerala

 Shrikant G. Talageri


Someone just sent me a facebook post, admittedly dated 22 March 2022 and now three years old:

The Kashmir Files movie will be made tax free in Goa. The movie shows how then Congress Govt in 1990 inflicted torture on Kashmiri people. This history should be known to everyone. Youth should watch this movie”.


I have already written a review of the film The Kashmir Files:


But I have also written a review of another film 1921: Nadī Se Nadī Tak:


Both these films are absolutely superb. The first is particularly superb because it heralded a new and absolutely revolutionary element of TRUTH in a film Industry (Bollywood) which has been rotting for decades in the throes of the cancer of anti-Hindu ideologies and false narratives.

The second film, as I pointed out in my review, is better even than the first one.

However, why the blatantly glaring difference in the way political pseudo-Hindutva governments, and their followers, have treated the two films? The first is honored, promoted and propagated by every BJP government, while the second has been completely stonewalled and obliterated by those very same BJP governments, to the extent that everyone knows about (and millions are likely to have seen) the first film, but hardly anyone will be likely to have seen, or even know about, or even have heard about, the second film?

I have written many times about this. I wonder if any real or political Hindutvite will be able to enlighten me about the real reasons behind the bitter animus against that second film and the determination to stonewall and obliterate it?


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